Go to Google settings
Choose Extensions from menu
Search for Multi screen presentation in Chrome Web Store
Click on Add to Chrome
Plug-in added to the browser as an extension
Click on Add/edit profile to add a profile into the plug-in (if the wished profile doesn’t exist)
Give a name under Profile name, enter the wished total amount of screens as # of Monitors, amount of rows (vertically aligned screens) and columns (horizontally aligned screens) in Rows and Columns
Enter the URL of the page in the respective column where it shall be displayed. Click the Save to save the profile one it is done
Click on Launch
Once Launch clicked, the screens will open in full screen view (in our example 3 screens as below)
Click on Add/edit profile
Click on Advanced to get the available options and select Export Profiles or Import Profiles to export or import
By clicking on Export Profiles, the profile(s) will be exported as a „.json“ file
Select All files (*.*)
Tick the marked checkbox and click OK
The imported profile will be added to the Multi-Screen Presentation extension of the other working desk.