Release note 1.1.45- Salvo quad view enhancements(Dynamic quad setting)

Release note 1.1.45- Salvo quad view enhancements(Dynamic quad setting)


1.Quad view setting in additional property:

  1. This feature facilitates the user to set the values(display element) for each quadrant in salvo quad at all levels(Service provider,Customer,Site,Device,Sensor)
  2. The value set at the sensor level has the highest priority, if not available at sensor level it will check at its immediate parent level i.e, device level 
  3. The priority is as sensor level>device level>site level>customer level>service provider level
  4. If no setting is provided at any level, then default value provided in the root login will be applied
  5. This setting has to be set separately for thermal camera and optical camera in the additional property
  6. The setting provided for thermal camera will be applied to events from thermal camera
  7. The setting provided for optical camera will be applied to events from optical camera
  8. By default, the values provided in the catalog app will be applied across all tenants at the enabled levels
  9. User can change these values as required at the desired levels
  1. These additional properties is added in the catalog app of root login under additional settings tab
  2. Additional property is added for both thermal and optical camera in root login
  3. Once added it will be visible across all tenants under edit dialog (at levels enabled in catalog app)->additional settings->additional property 
  4. The visibility of the properties can be limited to specific levels with access level setting in the catalog app
  5. These additional properties will be visible only at levels that are enabled in the access level in catalog app of root login
  6. These properties should also be active in the catalog app of root login,else it will not be visible across tenants
  7. This feature is not implemented in VAS quad and talos attachment quad, will be available only in salvo quad
  1. The valid parameter values are PRE ,CURRENT,POST,GIF,LIVE,LIVE2,PLAYBACK and PLAYBACK2
  2. PRE(Pre Alarm image), CURRENT(Alarm image), POST(Post Alarm image), GIF(renders all three images in loop), LIVE(Live stream of event sensor), PLAYBACK(Playback to alarm time of event sensor)
  3. LIVE2-->Live stream of other sensor if there are only two sensors in the device (or) live stream of another sensor that is in the same zone as of event sensor if there are more than two sensors in the device (or) the event sensor's live stream itself if there are more than two sensors and no zones configured
  4. PLAYBACK2-->Playback of other sensor if there are only two sensors in the device (or) playback of another sensor that is in the same zone as of event sensor if there are more than two sensors in the device (or) the event sensor's playback itself if there are more than two sensors and no zones configured
  1. If there are more than one sensor in the same zone as of event sensor, then any one sensor(random) from that zone will be chosen for live2 and playback2
  2. The parameter values are not case sensitive
  3. The first four values provided in the parameter value field will be chosen as quadrant values, values entered after that will be neglected
  4. If same value is repeated within the first four values, the same value provided second time will not be considered
  1. The live,playback to alarm time, jump back by 30 sec buttons will have only effect on the GIF quadrant
  2. If parameter values does not have GIF, then these buttons will be hided in the salvo quad
  3. A button named "Reset stream" is also introduced in the salvo quad near the share alarm button
  4. This button resets the stream in all the streaming quadrants(live,live2,playback,playback2)

  1. If the automatic stream parameter values i.e, live, live2, playback, playback2 is not available, then the reset button will not be available
  2. If GIF quadrant has live/playback to alarm time/Jumpback by 30 sec streaming inside it and if reset stream button is also available, then on clicking it the stream inside the gif quadrant will aslo get reloaded

Steps to set quad view settings:

Here for example, setting the value at service provider level is shown
Step 1: Login to genesis
Step 2: Navigate to "Configuration" app

Step 3: Click on the edit button under overview tab at service provider level

Step 4: Click on the "Additional settings" tab

Step 5: Click on the "Additional property" tab under additional settings

  1. The default parameter values from the root login will be loaded
  2. User can delete and update the values as required

Step 6: Delete the values from the parameter value field of thermal camera
Step 7: Enter the values as per the requirement(For example: GIF,LIVE,PLAYBACK,LIVE2)

Step 8: Click on the save button

Step 9: Open VAS with multi-monitor toggle enabled/Talos app in new tab
Step 10: Open the "Video viewer" app in new tab
Step 11: Click on an event from the thermal camera in VAS/Talos
Step 12: View the salvo quad in the "Video viewer" app

To enable the automatic streams i.e, live,live2,playback,playback2 in the salvo quad, user needs to click "Yes" in the confirmation pop up as shown below for the first time in salvo after page refresh

This feature is supported in both cloud and local mode

Known issues:
  1. Websocket finished error is often occurring when there are more than one stream in the quadrant and that corresponding quadrant will be blank
  2. This quad view setting does not work under virtual events
  3. When all four quadrant has streams as parameter values,closing the stream in one quadrant closes the stream in other quadrants
  4. When there are more than one streaming parameters, it takes time to connect all streams
  5. In video ptz using button controls for non ptz camera has effect on first quadrant instead of gif quadrant
  6. Playback to alarm time and Jumpback by 30 sec button, on clicking it GIF is displayed in alternative clicks and GIF is displayed while click both playback buttons alternatively(issue introduced in this build)
2.Error message for no image available events:

  1. Error message "Device could not provide images" will be displayed in the salvo quad for no image available event
  2. User can still click on the live/playback to alarm time/Jump back by 30 sec button to view the corresponding stream of the event sensor


Even for no image available event, if event clip is associated with it then the clip will be displayed in single quadrant view instead of the error message(Non-tested scenario)

3.Thumbs up/down button

  1. Thumbs up/Thumbs down button is introduced in the salvo quad as well as under the talos attachment to verify the event as true/false
In Salvo quad:

In Talos attachment:

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