Genesis Multimonitor Plug-In

Genesis Multimonitor Plug-In

Go to Google settings



Choose Extensions from menu



Click on Open Chrome Web Store from which is on bottom of the extensions menu





Search for Multi screen presentation in Chrome Web Store




Choose Multi-Screen Presentation (which shown in the below picture) plug-in to add in Chrome browser

Click on Add to Chrome




Plug-in added to the browser as an extension



Click on the plug-in symbol to open the Select Profile window





Click on Add/edit profile to add profile into the plug-in (if the wished profile doesnt exist)


Choose New profile 




Give a name under Profile nameenter the wished total amount of screens as # of Monitorsamount of rows (vertically aligned screens) and columns (horizontally aligned screens) in Rows and Columns



The amount of the screens will be displayed as entered. 

Double-tap to choose the primary screen/window (double tapped screen will be outlined blue to denote) and single-tap to choose additional screen (will be on the black thick border)

Picture 40




Enter the URL of the page in the respective column where it shall be displayed. Click the Save to save the profile one it is done

Picture 46


The available profile will be displayed on the extensions dropdown menu.

Picture 49


Click on Launch 

Picture 52





Once Launch clicked, the screens will open in full screen view (in our example 3 screens as below)

.Picture 61 

Picture 67

Picture 64


To import the defined profile, click on the extension’ symbol 

Click on Add/edit profile

Picture 70




Click on Advanced to get the available options and select Export Profiles or Import Profiles to export or import 

Picture 73




By clicking on Export Profiles, the profile(s) will be exported as .json file 

Picture 76



Select All files (*.*) 

Picture 82


Click on Import Profile to export???? as .json file 


Picture 79






Picture 85


Tick the marked checkbox and click OK 

Picture 88


The imported profile will be added to the Multi-Screen Presentation extension of the other working desk.

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